Outdoor "rock" speakers

Anybody know of a review of, or have experience to recommend a reasoneable brand of outdoor speakers in a "rock" configuration. There are many net sites, but I have never heard what any of these sound like.
I bought a pair of Rockustics' Econorocks a couple of years ago. Didn't look in front of an old rock wall at the edge of the woods in my backyard about 30' from my deck. While not "audiophile" quality, actually sounded pretty good too given the open air environment until "something" went through the rock grill and driver(not clear whether it was something kicked up by the lawn cutters or the foot of my son or one of his friends - he said the former though not completely convincingly). In any event they provided perfectly good sound for casual backyard/deck entertaining.

Here's a link:


Sorry. Should have proofed. Should read "Didn't look bad in front of an old rock wall...".
Well if you did end up getting them they would really make your outdoor gatherings rock ;) ~Tim