Outlaw RR2150 - Is there a better receiver?

Thinking about a new RR2150 for amp and tuner combined.

Is there anything else near this price point ($700) I should consider...new or used? Would an older (Sony?, Marantz? Rotel?) suit me just as well?

95% of time will only need amp and tuner sections, so other R2150 features simply nice to have...The RR2150 seems to be hard to find used.


the original question has appeared numerous times, namely, asking about the "best" in category of components.

what is there about the human psyche that continues to ask a philosophical or rhetorical question, over and over again.

it obviously has no definitive answer.
Hi Mrtennis

The reason why I think a lot of these type of questions repeat is that there are some members that will not look in the archives first for an answer even if the search function is pretty easy. Other forums it is difficult to find an older thread relating to the topic you want. Also than revive a thread some members will just post and post over and over the same question. Ahem Junglern!

Anyway back to the topic. I just checked out Newegg and the HK3490 is no longer there for $299. I did find the HK 3390 for $229 with free shipping. Less power than the Outlaw RR2150 and the HK 3490 but maybe just as good with the right speaker?
I am not sure if you searched correctly on newegg? I just searched again. And sure enough it is there. You have to add it to the cart to get that price.
Actually jr.com has it too at that price.
I am not sure if you searched correctly on newegg? I just searched again. And sure enough it is there. You have to add it to the cart to get that price.
Actually jr.com has it too at that price.
Hi Branon

I stand corrected. You are right. I re-did the search on NewEgg and the HK3490 came up. Decisions. Decisions. At teh reduced price the HK3490 is hard to resist for me.
