"I had my old house’s wiring upgraded to include two 20A outlets and one 30A outlet for dedicated audio equipment. "
What will you plug into a 30 amp outlet? I have never seen a piece of audio gear with a 30 amp power cord!
Outlet Requirements
I had my old house’s wiring upgraded to include two 20A outlets and one 30A outlet for dedicated audio equipment. It may have been overkill but it’s done. I recently acquired a pair of ML no. 436s, a McIntosh C2700, and a pair of MG 3.5r. My question is do I have to run each amp to separate outlets or can one 20A outlet handle a pair of amps. Associated equipment is PS Audio Perfect-wave Direct Stream Jr/PS Audio Perfect-wave transport, Oppo Blu-ray player, Bluesound Node X streamer, Revel F52 speakers, and two REL T/9x Subs. I also have a Furman 15 elite power conditioner. Could anyone offer suggestions as to the best way to connect these components? Thank you.
@jokomo Do you mean one 30 amp Circuit Breaker? |