Overwhelmed newbie confused about Schiit DAC modules

After years of day-dreaming about heavenly eargasms, I finally pulled the trigger on my first set of decent headphones (Sennheisser HD 650), but now I’m having a serious case of analysis-paralysis in my hunt for an amp and DAC. Bear in mind, I’ve been living with a $35 walmart gaming headset for years, so my ears are convent-level virgins.

As I'm completely new to all of this, I'd like to keep my budget below $1000 for both an amp and a DAC. Right now, I’m leaning towards the Jotunheim 2 or Lyr 3, but am stymied by the choice of DAC module. From what I’ve read, the Multibit is either stupendous at highlighting the layers of a soundstage and will change the way I listen to music forever, or is complete and total music-ruining Schiit propaganda. Or do I go with the AK4490 module that, depending on who you ask, provides a more neutral and accurate depiction of the instruments, or is all-schiit-DACs-are-garbage-you-fucking-shill-go-kill-yourself.

If I do stick with something from Schiit, would it be worth it to skip the dual amp/DAC and splurge on a Magnius/Bifrost stack? Would my completely uninitiated ears be able to tell the difference between the USB-driven DAC of the Jot/Lyr and the wall-powered Bifrost?

Or perhaps Schiit really is terrible and I should go for a completely different set-up.

Please, help guide this neophyte out of the quagmire of interference curves and partisan bickering. I just want something that sounds "good" and gives me wiggle-room down the road. Any advice would be extremely appreciated. Many thanks!

P.S. In case it matters, I’m planning to use my new headphones chiefly to melt my brain with music, but they will also be my primary listeners for gaming and movies on my computer+TV combo.

I don’t think that you’ll do better than this Singxer
for the $$:
and it’s future proof for a few years.
Tight clock, i2s input, fully balanced, PCM 384, DSD512.

I’m happy with a Modi Multibit and a Vali 2 (6SN7) for PC use. But be fully aware that Schiit don’t do DSD.
Probably never will.
Maybe see if you can find somewhere to audition the gear you're looking at? Or you could consider Schiit's 15-day return period and restocking fee the minor cost of the convenience for an in-home audition.

The RME ADI-2 FS is also in your budget, for an integrated DAC + headphone amp.
Thank you both for your replies! I will definitely look into both the Singxer and the RME ADI-2 FS. I will also research DSD since I am not familiar with that feature. I am embarrassingly new to all of this, haha.

A follow-up: in your opinions, does USB-versus-dedicated power supply matter much for sound quality in a DAC?

Edit: As for your suggestion of testing out Schiit products, I'll have to rely on their return policy as I live in a small town on an island in the Atlantic. I would count myself lucky if there was any audio store here period ;)