Own many mid-game speakers or a few end-game speakers.

After I got hooked into this hobby I started to have a small collection of speakers each in the $5k-$10k ranges that have various tonal quality and unique characters from each other. It doesn’t feel one speaker is absolutely better than another and they all have their own personalities, and I quite enjoy these diversity for different type of music I listen to (or hearing the same music expressed very differently which is always fun) and I’m always tempted to add more, for example, I recently get excited about Klipsch and want to try their horns which I do not have had any experience of.

But, these things quickly add up and could become endless pursuit, especially consider speakers differ not just in response curves but also in dynamic, decay, sound stage and details that are all hard to emulate with software. I’m trying to limit the max spending I have on speakers. I’m wondering what’s the perspective of upgrading v.s. buying into more diversity in this game. A few questions I have for you is, say you have $60k in budget on speakers new/used and you have infinite rooms (no amp/source), how would you allocate it (from buying 5000 Homepod Minis to one B&W nautilus) and why?
no right or wrong approach. it’s a hobby and there are no rules........except being true to the music reference in your mind.

personally i view optimizing my music playback reference efforts start with getting the best single speaker system i can that is properly sized for the room i have, and then working to get that speaker system to be it’s best.

i happen to purchase a twin tower fairly expensive speaker system. this was after 17-18 years of serious listening in a dedicated room, and visits to many rooms and audio shows. so it was not a casual decision. i’m not techie enough to attempt a DIY approach, and have no reason to doubt it’s validity to attain high performance. i'm skeptical but open minded that a much less expensive speaker system could compete head to head. it could happen.

my personal view is that the room<->speaker relationship is so intertwined and synergistic that having multiple speaker systems used in the same room would be an anchor holding you back, and in no way a positive. unless it’s a test or trial period. but not as a permanent approach. but that is just my own opinion.

if you want to have multiples of things to play around with in a single room, then it should be amps or turntables or something not as set-up critical as speakers. it can take years to get speakers to be their best. and until the room<->speaker room synergy reaches maturity you have no way to really know what the speaker can do.
Errr, hype=hyperbole=exaggeration=something that, by definition, you shouldn't believe.  Jus' sayin'.
I'd want to mix it up with at least 3 different genres of speakers. First, a set of panel dipoles, Magnepan 20.7 or 30.7. No box can ever offer the spaciousness of a panel. Next I'd go for a mid-size full range with great dynamics, Wilson Yvette or a Focal, Revel Ultima, there are tons of $25-30k range that are incredible. Finally, I'd want a pair of mini monitors like a KEF, B&W, or Harbeth. Shortlisted would be a horn based design, Klipsch, or vintage Altec 604-8G in a 6ft3 cabinet, maybe - if I had a proper tube amp to drive them. 

Well, provided I were to use separates, had a preamp compatible with most amplifiers, and could afford three amplifiers, I would go with a pair of 2-way stand mounts, a panel type, and a high efficiency (sensitivity + impedance) floor stander.