Panel Sound

I really like the Martin Logan "wall of sound" and am curious what other speakers have this same quality. I think i have ruled out Quad (cost and reliability) but would consider Magnepan or Gallo 3.5. I like the immersive quality of the Logan's and want a huge soundstage. I listen to rock, blues, folk and indie.

The Gallo 3.5, Maggie 3.7 and ML Vantage/Ethos would all be roughly the same cost.

Showing 3 responses by cerrot

Stats RULE and the BEST STATS are made by Roger Sanders. Nothing can be better. Sanders Sound Systems. If they are out of your budget, get a 2nd mortgage or rob a bank.
My "stats rule" remark was made in a post titled "panel sound". Within that realm, and within the flavor of the topic, my comment is actually quite proper, should that be my belief.
Of course it was tongue in cheek; I had not turned this into a my speaker is better thread. Just a 'within panels, there is nothing better than..'.