Paradigm and Revel

This is my first post. A buddy told me about Audiogon, what a great place. Ok, so I would like to upgrade my speakers. While on vacation I had the chance to hear the Paradigm 85f in one location and the Revel f206 in another location. I like both, prices are similar and size is similar . I have a REL t7 sub to go with either of these. Don' t think I can go wrong with either. This will be for music,not movies. So a 2.1 at best. Music preference is jazz, jazz vocal, some soft rock and whatever when the kids are home. Any ideas or opinions would be great. Thankx in advance.

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Well I guess you could apply this "boring" theory to many aspects of life-- books, favorite foods, etc. But one needs to avoid over-generalizing, and thinking that everyone thinks alike. I've tried many components in my system, and just cause they were new or different didn't make them better, although some were not inexpensive. And I have some components that have never bored me, and I will probably never get rid of. With the Revels, I was not satisfied, no matter what their lab results say, or even though one of the most famous speaker designers around (KV) was involved. I respect and appreciate Revels for what they are, but would never own them again.
One day long ago, as a kid in summer I was sitting around the house pouting and told my Grandmother I was bored .
Now Granny only had a 2nd grade education, was born and bred in the Gorbel's of Glasgow , worse slums in Europe .
She looked at me with her gray-eyed hard as steel eyes and said," If you are bored its because you are boring" .

She said a lot of things like that, smartest women I ever met .
I have not heard a paradigm I liked! I have liked all the revel speakers I have heard. IMO, the studio and salon II speakers are very very good and some of the best speakers for their price and above. 
From what I have seen at friends or in stores, paradigms are normally teamed up with mid fi equipment. Revel along with other makes usually recommend higher quality equipment 
just my opinion!
Thank you Bob!

I think I just need to experience more speakers. Ultimately it comes down to listening.  I'd certainly get the Harbeth or Magicos I mentioned above if they sound great to me even just as 2 way speakers. My current Paradigm Studio 100 V5's cover the full bandwidth pretty well. They can only accommodate an 8" woofer so don't go extremely low nor are they tight in the bass at least with my tube equipment but they are a 5 way speaker.