Paradigm Persona 3F setup recommendations for cinema + music

I am looking for recommendations on electronics for use with a Paradigm Persona 3F setup that is used for 60% cinema, 40% music.

I have some ideas on hardware so far but nothing is certain at this point.

The cinema/video streaming chain might look something like:
-> BluRay player with streaming options - HDMI out
-> Anthem MRX 1120
-> At this point, the AVR can power the 3F speakers, or send pre-out to a 2ch amp (such as Moon 340i etc).

Since I currently have a NAD T955 power amp (5x100w), another option is to use this amp to power the surrounds in a scenario like this:
-> BluRay player with streaming options -HDMI out
-> Anthem AVM 60 (pre-pro)
-> NAD T955 amp for surrounds.
-> New 2ch integrated amp for 3Fs.

There are a couple of options for the music chain:
1) With AVR only
-> BluRay player with streaming options (Spotify/Tidal/lossless audio via DLNA server) HDMI out
-> Anthem MRX 1120

2) With AVR + 2ch amp
-> BluRay player with streaming options (Spotify/Tidal/lossless audio via DLNA server) Digital coax out
-> DAC or 2ch integrated amp with DAC (such as Simaudio 340i)

So the questions I have are:
1) I could get the Anthem MRX 1120, end of story. But will this be good enough for movies + music on the 3Fs?
2) Will much be gained by powering the 3Fs by their own integrated?
3) What would sound better in cinema: the MRX 1120 by itself, or AVM 60 to NAD T955 amp?
4) Which is the better 2ch amp for the 3Fs: Anthem STR, Moon 340i, 600i, Naim 350DR, or other?
5) In general, what do you guys think about Naim vs Simaudio for powering the Personas?
6) For now, I'm assuming the digital source is a basic BR player. Are there significant gains by going with a dedicated streamer like options from Naim? I'm assuming this difference will be minor compared to the other electronics in the chain (until we get to a DAC component).

Overwhelming number of options here. Thanks for any advice you can provide.
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OP you are correct that the Anthem MRX 1120 is not a good enough amplifier stage for the Persona 3F.

We have used the Anthem MRX 1120 to power Atmos louspeakers and a seperate power amplifier to power the main, center, and rear surrounds.

One of the most musical multi channel amplifiers is the Audio Control Pantages a 200 watt by 7 Class H a varient of Glass G, that uses two voltage rails to emulate Class A operation without the heat generation. 

The other option is receiver to powr all speakers except mains where you use a hign end two channel integrated for music. 

Please feel free to contact us we have a lot of experience in this arena. 

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ  Paradigm, Anthem, Audio Control, dealers
Thanks, audiotroy.  I'm leaning towards the high end 2-ch integrated for driving the Persona 3Fs.

In front of that, the AVM 60 or MRX 1120 -- both being used in the roll of preamp only for music playback.   

On paper, the preamp spec of both components is equal.  But would there be any noticeable sound quality difference?  i.e. lower noise cleaner channel separation etc for the AVM due to not having amp electronics under the same hood..  or is there no perceptible difference?

With the AVM, I'd have an additional amp for surrounds vs 1120, which would be self sufficient for surrounds.   So if the difference is minuscule for music, I'd go 1120.