Paradigm Signature S-2, S-4:Good, bad, indifferent

I'm building a dual-use system for music/HT in a room that is 22x13. So far I have a Velodyne DD-15, an Anthem AVM-20 v.2 and an Anthem MCA-50 which puts out 180 watts on five channels at 8 ohms. I listen to a broad range of music, from jazz to classical to classic rock.

With the DD-15, I'm thinking I can get more bang for the buck getting a monitor.

Have you heard the Paradigms?
How do they compare with other monitors?
How do they compare to each other?
I've owned the S2's for almost 5 months, and I think they're wonderful. Better than my ACI Sapphire IIILE's or B&W 804's by a significant margin. I listened only briefly to the others in the series, but thought that S2's were at least as good except of course in the bass. They integrate well with my subs.
S2, S4 good.

I stumbled onto a listen last year - had gone to my favorite audioholics emporium looking for something else. They said "come on downstairs and give a listen", and I wound up grinning ear to ear. I'd kinda thought the Sig series was a bit of higher-$$$ hype, but I first heard the S2's that day in the same room w/ all the B&W biggies and they more than held their own. Well, to my ears, that is. You really, really have to audition for your own ears and preferences (unless, of course, you'd prefer to just buy them and send 'em to me! ;~).

I can't comment on really extensive A/B compares w/ other monitor-style speakers - I just haven't had the chance for long term comparisons. I thought the Sigs did fine w/ Mac (and later Anthem) driving them, so I'd guess you'll be just fine w/ your electronics. The little S2's surprised me so much that I probably expected way, way too much more out of the S4s when I later heard those. Both are quite good, I thought the S4s maybe had a bit more bottom, etc. (but that was maybe/probably part expectations & part poor memory - couldn't A/B the 2 & 4) but in the dealer's listening room (not a huge barn) the S2s more than held their own w/o a sub (mostly jazz, not slamming rock for that audition). W/ your DD-15 either should be killers. Good luck!
I currently use Paradigm Studio 40 v.3. I listened to the S4's with a McIntosh MA-6900 integrated last winter. They sounded considerably better than the Studios. The only thing that kept me from buying them was this stingy little thing called my 2004 IRA contribution. If I was twenty years younger I would be listening to them right now.
I have heard the S-4 and they are excellant. I also heard that S-8 and they were absolutely stunning. Compared to the Studio series, they are such a huge step up that the price difference does not matter. (unless you ain't got the coin!) Seriously, when Stereophile tests them, they'll be Class "A", considering the current Studio 100 V3 is a "B" rating. Where can you get a full range Class "A" speaker in the mid 5K range? (The cabinet woodwork is incredible too)
Back to the S-4. Like the other guys say, go listen, but only if you can afford them, because you'll want 'em.