Paradigm Studio 60 V5 Fingernails on Chalkboard

The highs have an edge that hurts my ears, especially female voices (e.g. old joni mitchell, Emmy Lou Harris, etc. I have a Denon AVR 1709 80 W/Ch home theater amp. Could the amp be the problem? It's not room placement - I've moved them all over the room, and it's not interference - it happens even when I only have one speaker plugged in. If it is the amp, what should I replace it with? I spent all my $ on the speakers, assuming the amp I have would work out. I have the speakers for sale on Audoigon but would like to keep them if I can find an affordable solution. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by knik

I had the same problem with my Studio 60v.5. I was driving them with the Onkyo A-9555 integrated amp (85W @ 8 Ohm) which is a class D amp. The sound was very detailed, lean, and the highs were absolutely painful at times. I don't have any room treatment, but my living room has plenty of soft surfaces to at least partially tame the highs. I decided to try out the Exposure 2010S2 integrated amp, and what an amazing difference it made. All the harshness disappeared, the sound was fuller, instruments and voices had more body and the highs were detailed but not harsh at all. The main culprit was the Onkyo amp, which didn't agree with the speakers at all, although I'm sure that my untreated room contributed to make the highs harsh as well. The Exposure amp and the Studio 60 v5, seem to have a nice synergy and this works very well in my room. I'm absolutely enjoying my system now.
Don't give up on the Paradigms just yet. I suggest you try out the Paradigms with a different amp, and they might just surprise you.