Parasound A21+ vs Adcom GFA-585se

I want to change my amps from Wyred4sound SX-1000 mono blocks to a good class A/B amp.  I was thinking of the A21+, but i looked at the 585se and the Adcom compares, on paper, to the Parasound JC5.   Both have plenty of power to drive my speakers and cost the same.  Anyone with experience with both?  


Well it's been almost 2 years since I asked about the Parasound A21+ vs The  Adcom GFA-585se.  I'm still curious about the Adcom. It seams so close to the JC5 in parts and specs.  From getting reviews and talking with people with the JC5, and the lack of feedback and reviews of the Adcom, I've pulled the trigger on a JC5, to arrive this Tuesday.  Thanks for all the opinions and information,


Nothing like a Parasound fanboy. You know not of what you speak. I pulled a new GFA 555 SE knowing the pedigree with Nelson’s DNA all over it and it is unbelievable for the price. The 585 will be next. Quality control is top-notch, the biasing is essentially equal on both channels to within 1°. I now understand why Nelson’s X series of amplifiers is so popular.