Parasound JC-1 power amplifier

According to John Curl the Parasound JC-1 power amplifier cannot be improved, because it is already at the pinnacle of solid state circuit design. Of course I could not disagree with John, afterall he is the solid state guru...
But I would address the following (and I hope I will not offend anyone): Parasound is not an ultra high end brand like Mark Levinson, Krell, Accuphase or Boulder. It is rather a mid-fi to lower high end company where cost restrictions are very strong (because otherwise they wouldn't sell their products to the consumers). Because of this cost restrictions they simply could not build the world's best amplifier, even if John is designing some nice circuit for them. For example the parts quality is not very good, because they use cheap off the shelf parts. So in fact is the JC-1 IMHO a very compromised product. John could say that it is the best amplifier money can buy, but because of this cost restrictions it is only part of the truth.


Having owned a pair of JC-1s to drive my SoundLabs, I can assure you that they are excellent amps and an incredible bargain, especially on the used market. Are they 'compromised'? Of course, but CTC picked out those 'compromised' parts so skillfully that value for money, in my opinion, goes through the roof. Is it the world's best amp? No - that distinction belongs to the Ayre MX-R :)

Mike, I would take some exception to your remarks about parts quality, but then it is built on a production line, largely automated, not by hand. As for sound, you might change your mind about the world's best amp if... :-)
I owned the JC-1s for about two years in two different systems. As far as sound/power/price ratio go they are hard to beat.
Down side is mine had to go back for repair a total of four times between them. The last was just the LED board but that was it for me. Thank God i bought them new and local.
I enjoyed the time with them. But the down time sucked. I ended up buying the Ayre V-1XE and then going with my present Krells, both of which I like more.

The word 'compromised' was in quotes for a reason. You KNOW how much respect I have for these amps.

As for the "world's best amp if" remark, well, all I can say is that it's the best I've heard in my system, and I'm extraordinarily happy with that system as it stands. Apart from one change (the TT/arm), I've been off the merry-go-round for many months now. It's not a bad feeling :)
