Having owned a pair of JC-1s to drive my SoundLabs, I can assure you that they are excellent amps and an incredible bargain, especially on the used market. Are they 'compromised'? Of course, but CTC picked out those 'compromised' parts so skillfully that value for money, in my opinion, goes through the roof. Is it the world's best amp? No - that distinction belongs to the Ayre MX-R :)
Having owned a pair of JC-1s to drive my SoundLabs, I can assure you that they are excellent amps and an incredible bargain, especially on the used market. Are they 'compromised'? Of course, but CTC picked out those 'compromised' parts so skillfully that value for money, in my opinion, goes through the roof. Is it the world's best amp? No - that distinction belongs to the Ayre MX-R :)