Parasound JC-1 vs. Pass 250.5

Anyone out there own either & can compare these two highly regarded amps (both in the same relative price range)?

Take what you heard in the X250, now remove the thinness, add gorgeous body to the vocals, and you have the X250.5. I think it may be safe to say the new X250.5 is warm rather than neutral. The old X250 was dead neutral.
interesting comments;have you been able to compare the x250.5 to the larger x350.5?
if i remember correctly the older x250 sounded a bit quicker and more nimble than the x350,maybe because of fewer output devices?
I have not heard the 250.5, Zevbear states no diferrence
between the 250, Tell you what, if that is the case,
then no doubt the JC1 are better.I heard both the X250
and the JC1.For my taste the 250 is too dry sounding,
the JC1 are musical and sweet sounding.I also like the
soundstage of the JC1,they are rich full sounding amp.
I cannot compare the 250 and the 250.5, but I have owned both the 350 and 350.5 and indeed there is a big difference. The 350.5 is warm and quite tube like. It is never fatiguing and still getting better as it now has about 130 hours of service.