Parasound vs B&K vs Acurus

I currently have a B&K ref 70 preamp and PSB Silver speakers with an Acurus 200 watt amp. The sound is quite nice.

I'm wondering if there is much advantage to moving into a B&K or Parasound amp, or all the three about the same in terms of sound quality?

Anyone with experience comparing the above amps please post and let us know your thoughts.

Showing 2 responses by mar

If a person wanted to step up from B&K/Acurus etc, what is the next best thing for the money? Classe?

Are classe amps neutral/warm?

I'm using PSB Silver speakers with a B&K ref 70 preamp with a sony ES sacd player.
Thank you everyone. Great information so far.

Bdgregory: I can attest that the Acurus is NOT a bright amp at all. If anything it might need to be a little more open in the highs, but thats just my experience with my decent/ok equipment. Bryston was quite bright and felt thin in my opinion. Nice punch but not something i'd listen to all day.

So if a person was to upgrade, what 'hi-fi' brand will sound warm and detailed without breaking the bank? I'm going to avoid Bryston.