Pass amps: newer xa30.8 or older xa60.5 ?

I'm always intrigued by choices we have as consumers when companies introduce new models after a successful run of a popular lineup.

In this case we have the choice in the used market between the newer .8 series stereo model going for about the same price pre-owned as a used monoblock set of the highly regarded xa60.5.

Which would you choose?
Hello Abrew19,

I owned a pair of XA-60.5's for over five years. I then reviewed for the new XA-60.8's and bought the review pair. For details why I think the .8 series is a significant upgrade read my review. So, I would would go for the XA-30.8 over the XA-60.5's.
The listening room is about 15x24 and speakers are B&W Matrix 803 s2. They're being driven fine with my Pass x250.5 AB model but I have a wandering eye for the class A models. I already understand the pros/cons of AB vs A. I actually also have an older Aleph 5 I sometime us, so the XA idea is just an idea.
The listening room is about 15x24 and speakers are B&W Matrix 803 s2. They're being driven fine with my Pass x250.5 AB model but I have a wandering eye for the class A models. I already understand the pros/cons of AB vs A. I actually also have an older Aleph 5 I sometime us, so the XA idea is just an idea.