Pass amps: newer xa30.8 or older xa60.5 ?

I'm always intrigued by choices we have as consumers when companies introduce new models after a successful run of a popular lineup.

In this case we have the choice in the used market between the newer .8 series stereo model going for about the same price pre-owned as a used monoblock set of the highly regarded xa60.5.

Which would you choose?
I agree, Acurus. My dealings with Reno were not too good. I never ordered or demoed any equipment from them, but at first they (Mark) quoted me discounts off of retail that were good on new equipment. Later on he quotes me retail price, and he got nasty with me because I wasn't ready to buy right then and there. I only called a few times. Suffice it to say, he will not be getting my business because he lost his cool and tried high pressure sales tactics with me. I know a dealer in California that Pass Labs thinks highly of that doesn't act like that plus gives you a good price. I don't think I'm buying Pass Labs at the moment (I'm going with Accuphase amps right now) but if I change my mind he'll be getting my business as there's no Pass Labs dealer in my town.
Dave_72, Well I don't see anything in what you described at Reno being a red flag per se. Sometimes discount quotes are only good for a certain limited time as a way to close a deal. They aren't necessarily good for a long time, as inventory and replacement costs change. Getting "nasty" with and high pressure approach is something different however. Somehow I can't picture that guy Mark getting like that. I've dealt with him a few times and didn't experience anything like that. They can be kind "slick" there sometimes.
I own the X350.5 and I was dead set on trading it in towards the newer x350.8.
After listening to the X350.8, I couldn't believe how dead sounding it was.
I think the X350.8 has since been discontinued and the X350.5 still remains in the current line up.

Now, I am sorry, your question is about the XA series Amps and not the X series, but my point is to try them before you commit.
Reno HiFI worked with me, give him a call.
Ozzy, Both the X350.5 and the X350.8 appear to still be in production, or at least both are still available new. That indicates to me that Nelson may feel that there will be people who prefer the .5 models to the .8s.

The .8s won't be discontinued anytime soon though, as Pass appears to be quite enthusiastic about them and they have just begun racking up awards.
Ozzy, good advice to listen first before developing any preconceived notions. Always the best advice. Thanks