Pass Labs AMP’s- What is the best Pass Amp Sound for You from past 10 years

So I have an XA-25 and its outstanding. I’ve tested the XA60.8 mono’s and there was not enough difference to move to them; no jaw dropping moments. Don’t get me wrong they were fantastic, but so is the XA25. Looking at the 350.8 or 250.8, etc.... even in comparison the Integrated INT-250... If you love it; want to explain what you like and why? I’m wondering what others are thinking... 
My set up: Wilson Sophia II’s, XA-25, Pass Labs XP-22 pre, Merging+NADAC. 
The one I loved was the 250w Threshold S/500 STASIS OPTICAL BIAS II, biased up to approx 20w Class-A, nice and toasty, delicate but a brute when called for, 36 x bipolar output transistor, heaps of current.

Cheers George
I'm thinking of a FW J2 to go along with my PS Audio BHK Pre. I'm leaning J2 over the Pass XA 25 due to having balanced inputs. I'm running ZU Omen DEFs, so power will not be an issue. 
I would like to try the J2 as well and funny but I was thinking of the BHK Pre as well. With the ZU Omen DEF’s as an option for me as well. What kind of music are you listening with that setup?
After communicating with Nelson Pass and Sean Casey, I decided to buy the XA25, because it was more versatile. I was very close to buying the J2. I have a pair of Omen's with the 08 Druid drivers. I'm in the break-in period, or maybe we should call it the "get acquainted period". Every day I look forward fo coming home and listening. Any suggestions on the perfect pre?

monogan: Which AR preamps have you used?
Interesting the int 250 doesn't get much love here. The reviews are pretty darn good.