Pass Labs Amp X350.5 or X350.8 anyone compare?

I have searched for some opinions as to the sound quality comparison between the older Pass Labs X350.5 which I own and the newer X350.8.
It looks like the .8 does not operate as much in class A as the .5. But, that doesn't tell the story.
Anyone have a chance to listen to the newer X350.8? And if possible how does it compare to the X350.5?
I'm also interested in this. I believe the info on the Pass website claims that the .8 models operate MORE in class A than the .5.
Owned a brand new 350.5 and ran it for 30 days to break in and it still sounded lean and bright to me. I was surprised as everyone told me how great sounding the Pass amps were. My old Jeff Rowland Model 9's of ten years ago easily outperformed the Pass in the areas of musicality, bass control, extension, etc. I dumped mine after two months of giving it time to settle in. I did audition the Pass 100.5 and that amp is far more musical than the 350.5 and had I stayed with solid state that is the Pass I'd have kept.