Pass Labs Int 25 vs Int 60

I'm curious if anyone has had a chance to listen to these two integrated amplifiers.

I know the Int 25 is basically the XA25 with a preamp. The Int 60 runs class A to 30 watts (and uses the same preamp) so maybe it's more closely related to the XA30.8, though I don't believe I've read that anywhere.

Anyway, I think from a power perspective both will be fine with my 90db floorstanders. My main question is which is the warmer, smoother of the two amps? Even if that means being darker and more veiled, I would want to go with that amp!

The Heresy IV and LaScala AL5 are easy to drive speakers with a high sensitivity of 99dB and 105dB respectively, and a nominal impedance of 8 ohms. With these speakers it is not a surprise the Pass Labs INT-25 sounded best in comparison to all other higher spec amps which include the INT-60 and 250. Imagine using flea-powered tube amps with the Klipsch horn speakers. With these high sensitivity horns, other high powered amps will have the potential of sounding aggressive.

Move to more conventional harder to drive speakers with 86 to 88dB and lowish impedance of say 4 to 6 ohms perhaps dropping down to 3 ohms minimum, the tables will likely be turned as the INT-25 takes a back seat while the larger amps which include Luxman L-590AXII sounding better with these select speakers. Think Dynaudio, B&W, Marten etc. as these speakers will have the tendency of sounding flat and lifeless if they don’t get enough current and drive from the amp.

By the way Steve, I bought the Luxman L-590AXII after reading your review of the amp on your page. Your high praise on the amp was spot on as the Luxman sounds very good with my Marten Duke 2. I was actually deciding between Pass Labs INT-60 and Luxman L-590AXII and picked the latter as the opportunity came up. The rest was history.

I’m sure the INT-60 or INT-250 will sound equally good if not better but the Luxman has managed to get me off the merry-go-round of upgrades..
I have an INT60 which is just a fantastic integrated. I decided to get it over the INT25  because of the balanced inputs and also preamp Out and power amp Input which the INT 25 doesn’t have. I plan to play with some tube preamps to see if I prefer it. If so, I may go to separates and maybe even monoblock 60.8 amps. The INT 60 was a good launching point and will likely sell for close to what I bought it for. 
Presently I am using my INT 60 with Tannoy Yorkminster’s, Audio Note 3.1 balanced DAC running JPRiver or Tidal Hirez. Also some vinyl..
I have FINALLY settled on Dynaudio Confidence C4 Platinums, and the INT-25 drives them wonderfully in my 14x23' room. 
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