Pass Labs Power amps choices

I am selling my Krell EVO components and moving over to Pass labs.
I just snagged a very nice X-1 for a song and now need a power amp to move my Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers.
So my thoughts are either 250 or 350 stereo amps. Question much different/better are the .5 and .8 varieties over the older x-250 or x-350 amps?
Many thanks.
The Pass Labs point 8 series draws 50% more AC power than the point 5 series, and runs hotter if that matters to you.
My amp never ran that hot and it was open,dynamic with great stage and great bass detail.Enjoy!!
I’ve only heard the older Pass X250 and I didn’t think it was anything special. It sounded just like any other high powered SS amp even a little bright at higher volumes. It sounded reasonably decent with a tube preamp sitting in front of it but so did my high powered Adcom amp. I thought Bryston 7B-ST monos sounded better in the same system. I understand the newer .5 and .8 versions are significantly better but are priced higher accordingly.
I am considering the 250.8 over the 250.5 I am  currently using but it is $10,000 CND plus my 250.5. Is the difference in sound worth $10,000 plus  my 250.5?