Pass Labs Power amps choices

I am selling my Krell EVO components and moving over to Pass labs.
I just snagged a very nice X-1 for a song and now need a power amp to move my Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers.
So my thoughts are either 250 or 350 stereo amps. Question much different/better are the .5 and .8 varieties over the older x-250 or x-350 amps?
Many thanks.

I look forward inreading about your move from Krell to Pass Labs- mauidj.

Staying tuned...

Happy Listening!

The Pass Labs point 8 series draws 50% more AC power than the point 5 series, and runs hotter if that matters to you.
My amp never ran that hot and it was open,dynamic with great stage and great bass detail.Enjoy!!