Pass Labs X-600 vs. X350.5 vs. SoundLabs?

I hate audio ... I really do ... Crack addicts pass me on the street and I call tell that they're thinking "at least I don't spend MY money on $2,000 power cords!" But I digress. ...

I recently sold my beloved M-L Prodigys and replaced them with a pair of SoundLab ProStats. We're talking 9ft x 4ft of radiating panels here people!

So far my wonderful Halo JC-1s have not even broken a sweat powering these monsters. But I've got a hankerin' to try a Pass Labs amp, only because my preamp and phono stage are Pass equiment.

Perhaps courtesy of the impending D-day of April 15th (isn't it the 17th this year?) there are a few Pass Labs X350.5's for sale for under $6K. Yet for the same price I can also buy a pair of X-600's (NOT 600.5's, of course).

So my questions for all those out there are these:
(1) Should I leave well enough alone and keep the wonderful JC-1's and spend the extra money or something frivolous like a medical checkup or car insurance?
(2) Should I be a true-blue audiophile and dump a great product that's served me well so that I can try something else? If yes, then what would be a better ... well ... I don't know .... "value" I guess? The pair of X-600's or an X-350.5?

To assist you in answering, I live in a condo so turning up my amps to "11" to hear "Smoke On The Water" is not an option. I don't need to have my filling fall out from the decibels. I listen at what most of us would consider "moderate" levels and my music of choice is small combo jazz, chamber and opera and alternative.

In terms of synergy, the system is as follows:

VPI TnT6/Triplanar VII/Dynavector XX-2 L.O
Esoteric DV-50S
Magnum Dynalab 108 Triode (a freakishy great tuner, BTW)

Pass Labs X0.2
Pass Labs XOno

Kimber KS-1130
Kimber KS-3033

So, X-600, X-350.5, stay with the JC-1s or ....?
Hello Essentialaudio: The JC-1s were purchased new on 02/05. On average they are used about 4 hours a day so they passed the 1,000 hr mark a while ago. Again, I want to be clear here: I think the JC-1 is a stellar product. I am not succeptible to the stigma some place on "low sticker" audio gear (as if $6,000 is a trifle sum). More expensive isn't always better. More expensive usually correlates with low production numbers, as far as I'm concerned. So it's not that the JC-1s are lacking in something and I am looking elsewhere for satisfaction. It's just that I want to try a Pass Labs amp. It's more of a whim issue. Thanks.
Veloceracing, at the risk of being dogmatic, I _strongly_ recommmend breaking in the amps 24/7 with music playing, not cycling the power. You've probably broken them in a good bit but perhaps not as effectively as running them around the clock (not just turned on - signal must be passing through them with speaker loads connected).

By the way, they respond well to better power cords, although the stock cords aren't too bad as stock ones go.
Without trying to be disrespectful or argumentative with or towards Essentialaudio, I have heard he's a good guy and a runs a fine salon, I have this over and over again that if someone thinks the JC-1's are lacking something that the amps are not fully broken in. Well, maybe, but it just might be that the JC-1's do lack some sonic quality that that person is looking for.

I have heard the JC-1's, never in my home system, and believe they are very good amps and a bargain at what they retail for, however, I don't think they are as good, at least to my ear's, as the the Pass Labs X-.5 series in many ways. To be as fair as I can be I never had them in my own system but heard them in other systems with similar gear that I have at home.

Finally, I'm just a crazy audiophile with no invested interest regarding which amp anybody buys, but I do like to pass on any information that might be useful to someone trying to get some feedback in their auditioning process. On the other hand, Essentialaudio is a dealer who sells the JC-1's and does have an invested interest to promote and defend this product.
Touche, Teajay. I may wax enthusiastic about the JC-1s, but that's because they work well with Sound Labs. Alas, they're not for everyone. I would sell other solid state amps for the speakers if I honestly felt they were better and/or a better value. If you happen to prefer Pass, Krell, or Levinson, so be it. Enjoy the pursuit, but most of all, enjoy your music.