Pass Labs XA25 vs LTA ZOTL40 -- Which creates a greater sense of image palpability?

Terry London separately reviewed both the XA25 and the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40 and stated that each created a sense of image density/palpability of individual players and a holographic nature of sound better than he'd ever heard before. He used a Linear Tube Audio Micro-ZOTL preamplifier for both reviews.  

Has anyone directly compared these two amps and if so would you mind sharing your observations as to the differences and/or similarities between them?  
Most people I know prefer the SIT-3 to the XA25. Never heard of the other amp your referring to.
Bill all these years I never figured your forum name until I just saw the grannyring picture, and I am a avid bike rider.  Anyway to answer your question I have heard the Pass XA25 in a friends system and I don't think it could get much better.  My friend has now added the LTA Ultralinear 20 watt amp and he likes it better than the Pass.  I have not heard the LTA but I trust my friends listening skills.  Hopefully that might help.

There is a review on the AUDIO BEATNIK site which mentions all 3 of these amps and gives comparisons (XA25/SIT-3/LTA).   I couldn't attach the thread here...must be against Audiogon rules or something.

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