If you go with the W-7, I suspect you would get better results with one amp operating in stereo mode than with two of them operating in bridged mode.
You'll note that in bridged mode the W-7 has a maximum power rating only for an 8 ohm load (600 watts), and no rating for a 4 ohm load. That is often the case for bridgeable amps operated in bridged mode, because in that mode the amp "sees" a load impedance equal to the speaker impedance divided by two. So the nominal 5 ohm impedance of your speakers would be seen as a very challenging 2.5 ohms, and undoubtedly the actual impedance is significantly lower than 5 ohms at some frequencies.
Also, based on its 150W/300W ratings in stereo mode for 8 ohm/4 ohm loads, the W-7 should be capable of around 240 watts into 5 ohms in stereo mode. That is significantly more than the XA100.8 is capable of, at least on paper, and is within 1 db of the upper limit of the 50W to 300W range of amplification recommended by Dali for your speakers.
If you do want to invest in a pair of W-7's, it would most likely be better to biamp them, in a vertical biamp configuration.
-- Al