Passive Preamp Recommendations?

I'm looking for a passive preamp to experiment with.

I currently have a McIntosh C2200 which I love but heard a Placette passive at RMAF a few years ago paired with a
Mc 252 power amp which I have and the sound was mesmerizing.

I'd like something used but used Placettes are hard to find.
I'm considering a local design - Fletcher-Harris Dimuendo -for $600. which is reasonable but would like suggestions on other possibilities.
Ag insider logo xs@2xjgiacalo

Showing 1 response by georgehifi

Jgiacalo: You are right, a passive volume control will give you the best transparency and dynamics if your setup is right, your 252 poweramp only needs 1.6v for full output and most sources give out over 2v, so this is a great match, as you can see there is no need for extra active preamplification.

Your source will determine if it can drive the combined load of a passive and the 10kohm input impedance of your 252, if you tell me what your source are brand and model I will let you know if all is good for you to go ahead.

Don't listen too knee jerk sceptics who dismiss passives without looking to see if your system is compatible for one, because if it is you will never go back to active preamplification again.

Cheers George