@soix, great recommend, but the mfrs’ names would drive spouse (and self) beyond distraction....
She’s already of the opin that remotes are some sort of plot to foment the loss of control over household objects....and I really can’t argue with that, even if an overt overstatement...
Case in point: 3 remotes; one for the flat screen, a 2nd for the DirecTV box, and the 3rd for the mini-fi audio that supplements the screens’ lame speakers...
As bad a ritual as finding, the prep of an LP for play, playing it, repeat for B side, restore to sleeve and stashing...
And haven’t even mentioned ’lighting up’ the kit to play either through it...which is why beloved sig other wants her own ’plug n play’, a novel novelette unto itself....
Reality: "Who dealt this mess, anyway?!" *L*