Pathos amplifiers comparison


Recently I'm hooked up to Pathos amplifiers with their unique design and hybrid technology.

Anyone has used some of them, please advise/share me with your experience or opinion on them.

- Speakers : Sonus Faber Olympica Nova IIIs
- Network : Cambridge CXN V2 or 851N
- Current amplifiers : LC audio millennium power amplifier via Onkyo 6.1ch receiver's pre-out (direct)

Pathos candidates for my integrated amplifier
1. Classic One Mk III x 2 (mono bridged)
2. Twin Tower RR or Anniversary
3. Inpol 2

Hi, Alexatpos,

Thanks for sharing your experience and precious opinion.

Yes, some reviews on SF Olympica Nova3s, there're also advices to hook to amplifiers of 'enough' handling power, now that all those reviews are in similar line to your advice.

I think I have to reconsider with separation (pre & amp) or more higher integrates.

Thanks again and wish you happy new year :)
Post removed 
I'm listening to a Classic One right now connected to Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers. I find the Classic One to have a really nice tonal quality with a smooth midrange and high frequencies, but with no loss of detail or resolution. Downsides are that though it has a decent level of pace, it is not perhaps the fastest amp I've heard. My Silver 300 speakers are pretty pacey in their sound so the combination of Pathos Classic One and Silver 300 speakers seems to work well. The Classic One certainly adds some nice tonal color to the Silver 300s that don't generate much tonal color on their own.
Thanks for sharing your experience,
guess I have to consider going audition with higher powered amplifiers.
Yes, I owned a Pathos Classic One MKII and would say that to get the dynamics one would enjoy, it would be best paired to a more efficient speaker. A very smooth sounding amplifier when rightly paired.