Pathos Classic Mk 3 Problem, Please Help

Pathos Classic MkIII left channel goes dead, just a very light hum, after ten mins of use on all inputs, then powers back up fine after restart for 10 more mins. Unit worked fine for me then took a 2000 mile road trip boxed in the back seat of a car to the new owner's house. This never happened before. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Thanks to your advice, when the new owner switched the tubes around he discovered that one tube was bad. We are wondering what a suitable, not used, new replacement tube might be right for this application. Thanks again.
The stock tubes (I think they're Sovtek) are excellent sounding. Just get replacements of the same thing. Tube sellers like Upscale Audio should have them. Buy a pair and put the new pair in. You'll have one for spare.

I think in one unit (MkII I believe) I tried a different set, maybe Electro Harmonix. I ended up going back to the stock tubes as they sounded just as good. It's possible an older, more rare tube - Maybe a Mullard or similar - would sound better, but it'll probably cost quite a bit more.
The Russian made Voskhod 6H23 Rocket Logo is the best tube for this amp period. Friend of mine got these for his Pathos and flipped out at the improvement.