Paul Speltz Zero-Box Autoformer With Tenor OTL

Hello everyone,

is there anyone using Paul Speltz Zero-Box Autoformer with Tenor OTL and can give a full user experience please? My concern is whether the PS Zero Autoformer will degrade the extreme frequency of what the tenor the best for.

The speaker by now with the Tenor is Rockport Antares.


Thanks in advance for all the input.




in 2001-2003 i used the 75 watt Tenor OTL mono blocks into Kharma Exquisite 1D’s with a passive Placette RVC (remote volume control) and was fantastic. in my opinion i got zero degradation and the combination was very solid, without any frequency response compromises. sometimes passive volume controls do restrict dynamics more than frequency response. but i felt that was never an issue.

at one point i did try the Bent Audio passive unit too; but i preferred the Placette.

in the picture linked below you can see the Placette sitting on the floor between the amps. here are pictures;



I think you are talking about a linestage or passive volume control, including transformer/autoformer volume controls, whereas the original poster is inquiring about an autoformer inserted between the amp and speaker to reduce the output impedance of the amp (typically quite high with OTL amps).  I don’t know how this sounds, but this turns an OTL into an amp with an output transformer.

I'd be contacting Rockport and informing them of my situation before asking if they had any comment they would like to share.