PayPal Alternative? - What's your opinion?

I'm thinking about opening an electronic checking account with ING that would allow me to avoid PayPal fees. Basically the account would allow me to send money to anyone as long as I had their email address. Once I direct the funds to go to that person, ING pulls the money from my account, and sends the recipient an email that money is available. The recipient clicks the link in the email, inputs their own bank routing number and account number, and - zip - the money is theirs.

Does anyone already use this? Or would you be willing to input your bank info to receive money in this way?
One more point: The seller would need to provide their bank routing number and account number to the buyer so this transaction could be initiated. This may make some sellers nervous, but if you think about it that information is on the bottom of every check put into the hands of every person you write a check to.

Lastly, once the recipient of the funds confirms their info in the email from ING, it can take up to two business days for the funds to clear - which is faster than personal checks and even cashier's checks these days as banks have become hesitant to accept those as immediate collected funds.
I would never send my bank info to anyone, even Paypal verification makes me nervous. There's got to be a better way.