Paypal Changes for 2022

If I understand this correctly, Paypal, along with all on-line payment sources like Venmo, etc. will now be sending out 1099 forms for all payments totaling $600 you receive in 2022 for goods or services.  The only way around this is to use Paypal friends and family for payment which eliminates any buyer protections.  Is everyone aware of this?


Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43

@dadork I agree with @grannyring and congratulate you on your success. There are many like you, proud to get out of poverty and we need more like you, not government dependency.

Post removed 

If you are mailed to 1099k form you can claim zero profit and be done with it.


What is interesting is that this new rule also has a requirement for the payment app to collect the users EIN or SS#.

This part is still being flushed out but expect this sometime. 

I would also expect that this recording and collecting will be used for state sales tax collation as some sites do not include this. 


If you buy on Ebay or Amazon you automatically are charged your local state sales tax.



If the privately owned Fed can generate trillions out of nothing and every dollar created as an IOU. All to be repaid by following generations, why pay taxes?

Unfortunately this thread has degrade into political commentary.  If you want to do that, go to your favorite social media outlet and vent your spleen.