paypal phishing

I feel like the biggest DOPE on the planet, I got an email today from what appeared to be paypal stating that a charge was presented against my acct for $115 to Dell ,obviously it was not me so I scanned down the very official looking email and found the link to cancel the transaction and with my limited typing skills I typed as fast as I can punching in my password and bank acct all the while fuming that someone had compromised my acct not realizing that the crime had not been commited yet the whole thing was a scam to get my info !!! It all looked so official and I was played like a stradavarius " what a dope" As soon as I realized what had been done after a few expletives I went on to the real paypal and changed my password and drove to my bank and drained the acct attached to the paypal and the whole time I felt like such a yutz .. Please don't fall for the trap If they do not address you by name instead of Dear Pay pal user or anything that looks phishy don't bite !!!

Can you sent me your new bank account number, and your personal ID information? I promise that I won't tell anyone either!

Just kidding.
Bgrazman is right. NEVER Click on the links. BUT you can move your mouse over the link (again WITHOUT Clicking) and you will see at the lower left of your browser screen (Internet Explorer) what the link Really points to. Mine have usually been someones personal site in Germany. One even was an AOL user! How lame...
Tonight (12/16) I just got a eBay phish attempt that shows how desperate these folks are to do their evil deeds. Some are so stupid like this one it would be laughable if they werent trying to, for example, give me a virus/trojan horse.

What this one said was something like this:

"I'ts been 2 months since I paid you for the item and I am loosing(sic) patience. Send the item now or I will call the police and contact eBay"

Sounds serious. Except for one *small* problem......


...file under "Dumb Crooks"......