PC for Rowland 312 and others?

I have tried 2 power chords on the Rowland 312 switching amp:
1. Cardas golden Reference -- This appears to be the default PC often recommended by some JRDG dealers like Soundings of Denver (Co). In this application, it yields very good harmonic development and appears quite extended at both end of the spectrum. Interestingly, it does not appear to be creating the kind of idiosyncratic mellow/warmish sound associated with some of the reputation of this PC. Conversely, the same Golden Ref is not in my opinion indicated with the Capri Linestage or the PC1 Power Factor Correction unit + Capri preamp combination -- the sound becoming somewhat dry compared to Purist Anniversary or Anaconda Helix Alpha.

2. Purist Anniversary. Very surprisingly, Seems to be at odds with the 312, while yielding greater authority than the Cardas Golden Reference, it sounds both warmer and has a strong tendency of making piano overtones sounding 'jangling' (very odd indeed). Much better on the Capri+PC1 combo, it yields very good harmonic content with only very slight jangliness on piano.

It has been recently suggested that Shunyata Helix PCs may mate very well with current JRDG gear; I have only tried a Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha on Capri+PC1 and found it to create the most significant stage, with harmonically very complex sound devoid of artifacts and oddities. In this particular configuration, I also had the Purist Anniversary on my TEAC X-01 Limited, and the Cardas Golden Ref still on 312.

Next I will move the Anaconda to the 312 and will see what happens.

I'd be very interested in hearing about experiences with PCs of various brands/models on recent JRDG switching stereo amps (102, 302, 312), integrated (Concerto, Continuum), monoblocks (201, 301, 501), and pres (Concerto, Capri). I suspect that switching amps/pres are unique enough that common wisdom on PCs may need revising.

I admit that my own findings have surprised me. I would have expected the Purist anniversary to be a star performer on the 312, but it seems to excell in the 1st position of my chain, when feeding the X-01 Limited instead.
Guys....another reason why I will wait in purchasing the PC 1's for my 501's as I have heard from a few other JRDG owners of the trouble with the connections on these
PC1 's.
Hi Garebear, there is no problem with the PC1 output connection. . . the connector makes actually excellent connection and is likely more reliable than most. . . it's just that upgrading the ombelical/pigtail may require some custom work from the PC manufacturer. The power inlet of PC1 is a standard 15A IEC. I will ask JRDG the exact name/type of the output connector on PC1. . . I know it can be found from some parts suppliers.
If anyone were interested in some of my latest a/b comparison between JRDG Capri and ARC Ref 3, see:


Have not posted to this thread for quite a while, so here is a quick update. I have recently applied the Shunyata King Cobra CX to my Rowland 312 with excellent results. King Cobra CX appears to share the general character of graceful neutrality of the older Anaconda Helix Alpha, but is not affected by the Helix series slight propension to dampening micro and macro transients. On the contrary, KC has added authority to the system, while making micro transients more filigreed and delicious. King Cobra PC in my system appears to be very extended from top to bottom with superior harmonic exposure throughout the frequency range, and extremely high ability to retrieve ambient cues. . . which means that it is very synergistic with 312's creation of a large and very transparent tri-dimensional stage with well defined instrument images. It is perhaps the PCs I have tried this far with the most balanced ability of yielding treble information that is highly extended, structurally pertinent, and musically involving. The bass is rather deep and tuneful, but also quick and nimble. What is even more interesting is that while King Cobra has a large gage that in theory should make it ideal for high current applications only, such as a power amplifier, the wire appears to be a complete generalist: I have applied it successfully to my X-01 limited, to the GamuT CD3, and to the Furutech ETP-309 power distributor with consistently desirable results. Only the JRDG criterion preamplifier appears to be somewhat immune to any PC changes, including KC. The eventual insertion of a total of 4 King Cobras into the system has had a result that has been incrementally positive. My analysis is ongoing, but this far I have not found a single position in the system or a musical genre that is at odds with Shunyata King Cobra CX.

Please note however, that if you were looking for a wire that added treble 'sparkle' to a system, or that yield a euphonic midrange, or a slightly turgid bass. or which creates that over-emphatic fizzy PRAT. . you should look elsewhere.

KC is not even faintly etched and dry. Rather, it certainly is a powerful sounding wire, its extreme grace falls solidly on the neutral side of romantic, and I have not observed KC reinforcing any particular frequency range in my system.

At this point, the King Cobra CX appears to be extremely consistent with my own sonic and musical preferences.

One last observation, like with most power cords, KC requires a good amount of break-in to give its best. . . it seems to stabilize in approximately 300 hours of music making.
Hi Guido,

I see you have a Furutech Power Distributor, may I ask if all your power cables are pluged in?

I personnally have a PS Audio Plant Premier but I don't use it for the PFC & 501