PC or Line Conditioner

Quite a few years ago I had a post asking people to chime in on what they would recommend for a good Power Cable. I find it funny because at the time I had the Ayre CX-7xe CD player, V-5xe Amp, and the K-5xe pre-amp. Now I have the V-5xe (in Black), K-5xeMP, and the Oppo UDP-205, using AQ Wind XLR IC's. I still have (2) Richard Gray's Power Company PC's and the RGPC-400 Pro. I find myself in need of more outlets and was looking at a used RGPC off of Ebay, but after talking with Gary, the tech guy, at Ayre he really believes that I should spend the money for the Ayre L-5xe that has (4) outlets. There is one right now on Agon for $1,400 OBO. It is not a conditioner in the normal sense, it is completely passive and there is no voltage regeneration or current limitation.
But I still am a fan of running a better PC than what comes with the component. Like I said I have the (2) RGPC cables and I just bought a Kimber Kable PK-14 Ascent. I would really like to keep the price for the cable under $500 but I also am giving more thought to putting that $500 to the Ayre L-5xe instead. All though I would be looking at more than twice what I would be spending on a Power Cable.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
Don't know anything about the P1000 but I have 3 P10's, two for my 2.2 system and one for the home theater.    I am not far from Seattle either (Eastside) and power is poor in my area.  I don't have dedicated circuits but am able to pull power from two different circuits.  I am listening right now and looking at the P10 displays.  One circuit has 6% THD in and .3% out of the P10, the other 4.7% in and .2% out.  I have my entire system running through the P10's,  Voltage out on both units is rock steady at 120.0V even though power in fluctuates between 115-119V.
I couldn't imagine being without.  They have dramatically improved my sound in every respect..  I went from being a clean power skeptic to a staunch believer.
I did some looking around and found a "one owner" PS Audio P10 on Ebay for $3k. On Agon right now there is a "one owner" P5 that’s in great shape for $2,750 with a New price of $3,500. It is one of your regular AV businesses that puts ads up on Agon. It does have a "Make Offer" so I could try a lower price. The P10 is beautiful, but looking at my needs I think that the P5 would cover my bases pretty well. Actually if you compare the P10 with the P5 the front panels look the same. It is the number and type ie; High Current, etc outlets that make up the difference. The P1000, 600, and 300 were made some time ago as you can tell just by their shear size and weight. I do not know how well of a job they did but are definitely large and heavy. I will have to read some reviews on the P5 to see what I can expect from it.
@f1wheels, I ran across this thread this morning, in case you missed it, you might want to read it: https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/ps-audio-power-plants-2
Best regards...
OP: the "current" P10 and P5 units are discontinued.  They will very soon be replaced by new, "better" and more expensive units.  Any dealerships with brand-new P10s or P5s should be selling them at a significant discount.  So 3.5K is only the original price for a P5 when it was available.