Peachtree Grand X1 question

Looking for an answer from anyone who owns or has owned a Peachtree Grans X1.

I recently purchase a used X1 and I have noticed something that I think is odd. When the power switch on the back of the amp is in the “on” position and the front switch is in standby (green light), is it normal for the two tubes to be on? When I say they are on, I mean that they are glowing and putting out heat. The LED lights below them are off. I would have had two assumptions there, first, I would have assumed that when the unit was in standby mode that the tubes would not be energized. Secondly I would have assumed that the only time that the tubes would be energized was when that circuit was activated from the remote button. Can anyone verify if this is normal or not?  Thanks in advance!
I used to own the Grand X1 integrated, but don't remember if the tube was on in standby mode.  I always left it off, I couldn't tell much difference with it on.

Drop Peachtree a note and ask them.
The typical tubed component, when in, "Standby" will keep the filaments/heaters on (some, at half voltage), but- without B+ to the plates.
rodman99999, please explain what you are referring to when you say "without B+ to the tubes".  I'm not sure I understand what "B+" represents.  Sorry for my ignorance, I think you are saying that this is or could be normal for this Peachtree amp?

@ big_greg thanks for your comment.  Yes, I have an email into Peachtree customer service.  I figured, I'd ask here as well for a quick answer.  Customer service isn't open on the weekends. :-)