Peak Consult Dragon. Anyone???????

Hi all,

I was curious if someone has ever listened to the Peak Consult Dragon speaker. Believe the driver they use are from Audio Technology and are similar to the Rockport drivers.
Was curious if anyone that has experience with them can share how they sound and if they are a bit similar to another brand?

Are they as good and is the price justified?

Appreciate your feedback.

Showing 2 responses by halcro

My impressions of the Peak Consults mirror Mapman's almost identically.
These ones were also driven by valves (dozens of 300Bs).
May just not be a good match?
Incidentally, my friend who has the Peak Consults previously had the Rockports and yes.........there is a definite similarity in sound presentation. One that as Mapman describes, seems unlike the majority of other speakers and not to my tastes.