Perfect match for ATC speakers

I'm upgrading my audio setup and have decided to go for ATC SCM 11, and now have to choose the amp.
Any recommendation for these speakers?


sebbasstian OP

Perfect match for ATC speakers

I’m upgrading my audio setup and have decided to go for ATC SCM 11
Room size: 20x10 ft.- Distance to speakers: 10 ft.
- Music: mostly jazz and classical.- Volume: medium.
Thanks again!

Because of this impedance/-phase angle measurement they don’t need a brute amp that can supply heaps of current.
But they do need something>120w @ 8ohm because they are measured at only 82db efficiency.

Having what most call a neutral-cool sound, which is born out in the ATC SCM-11 Stereophile review also.
" ATC to have a slight amount of extra energy in the upper midrange and lower treble"

I suggest a using a good solid state amp that has quite a good bit of Class-A bias (runs hot at idle) for a sweeter, yet still detailed sound to counter the cooler reputation of the SC11 speaker.

Looking at your previous posts you mention Hegel H95 $2,5K and the H190 at $5k.
The amp I would recommend if you can find it is a used Gryphon Diablo120. or similar with these ATC’s

Cheers George

We have a pair of ATC in the recording studio, Job amp ( out of production but rock solid reliable ) does a fine job. Mastering done on a different setup.

Have fun, enjoy those speakers….
Having used/heard almost all the ATC speakers with various amps, it is one of the most authentic sounding speakers in the world. Hence it is worth going the extra mile to give it what it needs. 

SCM 11 is one of their easiest to drive speakers. You didn't mention your budget, but here are some obvious choices at various price points

Value for money
Naim Nait 5si - Don't go by their 50 watts rating, they rock hard and don't clip easily
Nice and easyATC SIA-150 integrated amp - straightforward match and good sound
TubeRogue Stereo 100 with a good neutral preamp - More expensive but more interesting sounding too

Buy an older class A amp to drive them and you’ll be in heaven. Threshold, krell, levinson. These can be had for 3-5k. 
Try to pick up a used Anthem P2 it does not get hot and can drive any speaker that you want without clipping 325WPC @8ohms and 500WPC @4ohms
You can run this amp all day and not worry about about running out of steam, they can be had for around 2-3k used.