Perfect Path "Solutions" (PPS) eMat

Does anyone know the intricate details of how these most current PPS eMats differ, aside by appearance, from the previous two generations of PPT eMat & eMat+?.any insight will be greatly appreciated...

Thanx! Mooncrikit
I think people with less elaborate systems are constantly looking for inexpensive ways to improve their systems and fall pray to marketing hype.
It is the old science vs religion conundrum. So, keep up the good fight. It is a lot of fun watching them squiggle around the facts. They can not get their heads around the fact that some of us do not have to hear an item personally to know it does not work. Guys, it is just knowledge and experience. It is very easy to take advantage of those that have neither.
Well said, @mijostyn

And this is specifically w.r.t. the Legacy III’s which were somewhat average at the time and have significant issues with the integration of the two different technology tweeters, and would not be, as Dr. Toole mentions above"neutral". They have a significant anomaly where the two speakers crossover.

You drown the cat of your past post all about reflections, willing to bash oregonpapa...

Now you switch about the particular speakers choice of Toole....To excuse his defence of reflections use....Even if the room of oregonpapa is smaller then it is there more easy to use reflections than in the Toole room ...

Forgetting about his particular view of the positive use of reflections especially in small room like Oregonpapa one...You said that Oregonpapa has too much reflections and now his speakers are trash and this is the main point....

All reflections are good in Toole room not on oregonpapa room....

And now the remark of Toole made sense only with this Mirage speakers.... All others kind of speakers of the past decades, dixit audiodesign distorting Toole article, are trash....

If we analyse after reading the post of Quixote the post of Sancho Panza(mijostyn) the cat ressuscitate:

Golly, that is an awful room, awful loudspeakers too. It seems that Dr Toole has a lot of knowledge but terrible ears or maybe he does not earn enough in his profession to be able to afford the good stuff and I am not saying that in a bad way, it is true for a lot of us. We do the best that we can.
Except audiodesign, all people, turntables owners, tweakers, Even Toole, are not on the road and lack knoweledge...

All that from these 2 who speak ill against all these people, turntables owners, tweakers, pretending science...It is almost all audiophiles... 😊

No acoustician by the way are on the same page exactly about small room treatment.... It is an art when applied  not a pure science....
By the way there exist too much hate in the forum....

Arguments ONLY have value...

I hate nobody here and speak to ANYONE....

But some go on hating each other for years...

Only arguments make sense.... Nothing else....
  • "They can not get their heads around the fact that some of us do not have to hear an item personally to know it does not work. Guys, it is just knowledge and experience. It is very easy to take advantage of those that have neither. "

And then there are those of us who have been in the hobby in excess of 40 years. Those of us who have worked in the industry. Those of us who have worked the rooms at various audio shows for dealers and distributors. And finally, those of us who not only listen but know what to listen FOR.


I think people with less elaborate systems are constantly looking for inexpensive ways to improve their systems and fall pray to marketing hype.
I will remind Mijostyn that i bought no tweaks i create my own...

And i know that a relatively good Hi-Fi experience dont have to be costly by my experience . Others more gullible than me can read costly gear reviews...I know first hand that good gear is an important factor but secondary to the way we must take care of the mechanical electrical and acoustical embeddings ....

It is also some gullible consumers of some COSTLY solutions that fall for the marketing hype....Not only Tweakers.... A costly equalizer is not superior to an hallograph because it is you that have bought it...

Marketting hype reproach are valuable not only for tweaks it is also valuable when all people are condtioned to upgrade....

But it is not this upgrading process that is KEY to audio it is HOW to embed the system we already own...

The key to audio with ANY system at ANY price,is controlling the mechanical vibrations and resonance problem, controlling the high moise floor of the house and of the system, and controlling the acoustical aspects of the room....NOTHING ELSE...

Bashing other speakers or room without even having listened to it has no excuse......

No need to hear to judge adequately has no sense ....Like Mijostyn proove it judging Toole room at first sitght....

I am sad that people are willing to go stupid instead of admitting simple evidence: turntable lovers are not all fool, tweakers are not all stupid, and Hi-fi dont cost necessarily big money....We cannot judge in general without experiencing a system in his room eespecially if we want to correct it........