Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
@jafreeman (Joe) - I just checked-out your system page. Very nice! Seems like that 240v isolation transformer is a prime candidate for an E-Mat?

@fleschler - I use a SR Atmosphere (original) as well. Have you tried the green ATM? I like it much better than the red ATM. I did try some graphene oxide on my Atmosphere connections which seemed to work well. Maybe attach an E-Mat to the side of the Atmosphere? Whats the rest of your system consist of? 
@toetapaudio  Great questions, No batteries, zero crystals. It is solid state, will never degrade in performance. Biggest unique feature is
the fact that you cannot overload the room or system by adding  more.

Personally we have removed all signal, room enhancing devices from our system, except for my products, We found a big increase in dynamics and air once removed.
Interesting. What products did you remove? What other parameters besides dynamics and air did you look for? I’m not totally sure I would intimate that everyone else would experience your results. 
Ditto @geoffkait's questions. I would like specifics on what you removed @perfectpathtech since I use a lot of those types of devices in my system. 
Bybee signal enhancers, first generation.

I’m not totally sure I would intimate that everyone else would experience your results.

Neither would I! however I have 2 customers that followed suit. One had 16 IQSE's now gone, the other was using 4 I think, which are now gone
from his system.

What other parameters besides dynamics and air did you look for?
We did not look for anything, just conveying what happened. This was also confirmed by both customers.