Perfect speakers for audio Research Classic 30

I really hope that you all would be fine in this tragic situation, at least in Italy.
I fortunately live in Venice which hasn't been hit so much by coronavirus.
Anyway I've relatives and friends in a lot of northenr Italy cities and every day it is a war bulletin.
So I'm a bit upset to talk so lightly about our futile passion...
I've recently bought a really perfect Classic 30 power amp, ad it's lovely but I think that it is a bit tense in properly driving my Proac D30R, I can perceive its very good qualities but finally it lacks in bass control and in definition.
It's very strange to say (?) but it works a lot better and apparently more easilly with no preamp, I mean with my PS Audio Direct Stream dac directly connected.
What are your suggestions for the ideal partners for the Classic 30?
I've no prejudice towards bookshelf, monitors, floorstanding and so on but I suspect that an easy load, good sensibility, mid sized bookshelf speakers could make perfectly the job.
Please consider that I live in Italy so please don't suggest exotic, local, not exported speakers, thank you very much.
Looking forward for your suggestions...
So everyone over 60 who loves our President should not have any problem with giving their life to save the economy and trumps hotels. Let us liberals know how that works out for you. Oh, that’s right, you’ll be dead.  Go for it!

I believe we'll be alive and well and carrying on with our lives. In a few months or so we can look back at this period for retrospective assessment. An opportunity to compare predictions with subsequent outcome.


I'm very sorry to have started a politic conflict, I agree that this is not the right place and time.

@dweller yes, we have Golden Ear brand in Italy even if it's not so common, difficult to hear them, I think that the closest place is in Brescia which is now one of the most hit cities in northern Italy, and it's almost impossible to find them used, anyway it is a good suggestion, high efficiency and a simple impedance module and as you said a very good and powerful power amp to power bass drivers...when all this will be finished I will do my best to audition them, I think that the most suitable model is the Triton One R, as the reference is too expensive for my pockets.

@daveyf  I'm a good expert about Sonus Faber speakers and I used to be a SF collector, I owned almost all the standmount speakers designed by Franco Serblin, from Minima FM2 to Guarneri Homage, passing through Electa Biwiring and Amator mk1, probaly I missed just the Extrema, too expensive and tricky to optimize, and I still own a very beautiful pair of Minima FM2 mk2,  amazing italian clear walnut, they are nice coupled with the Classic 30 but they don't sing and fly...

I think that the current production is largely overpriced and it has completely lost its soul and personality, moreover expecially the Minimas they are really too small, I cannot think to come SO back to small speakers after the Proacs D30...

@gdnrbob I'm sorry but the matter here is not what could be fine for Proacs D30, unfortunately now I know it very well...

What I'm asking is what is fine as speakers for the Classic 30, any other suggestions, better if based on personal experiences?

Thank you very much!

Ok, maybe you were more interested in the politic conflict than in my banal request?

Mario, I’m not sure I know what you mean by "sing and fly" because my GH’s worked amazingly well with my D70mk2. Your Classic 30 isn’t quite as much power, but most likely has similar headroom.
Another option..a pair of Quads..would sound very nice with the Classic 30..and you wouldn’t risk overdriving the speakers.