Perla Audio + Focal!

More people need to know about Perla Audio, their Signature 50 integrated is massively underrated.

I went on a hunt for an integrated amp for my Sopra 2's and listened to many of the well known brands in HIFI (Pass int 60, ARC, Simaudio, AVM) as well as some separates and cheaper integrateds from NAD, Peachtree, etc. and the Perla came away the hands down winner.

It does pretty much everything right:  stunning clarity, big 3D soundstage, unreal image specificity and density, and most importantly rich tone and timbre to go along with the airy presentation.

Need an amp with liquidity and a sweet top end for the beryllium tweeter?  This is the one.

There's been a few reviews for them at TAS, HTR, and CA but I don't see them mentioned much here.

It almost feels like there's new Tech or something at play here.  Its a Class AB amp that idles at 5W and runs cool to the touch.  It really makes these 100 pound heat sink behemoths look antiquated in comparison.

Any other Perla owners out there?  

For the first time in a long time I feel no desire to kick the tires on other electronics.



I have a Perla Signature 50 and recently the volume display stopped working; I can’t get anything to play through it. The unit still powers on and makes and audible “click.” But nothing else happens. Any thoughts on what’s goin on?



Is Perla still around??

Sadly Perla Audio is not around and is owned by me now, (Terence Robinson owner of, I have a couple of products for sale but will not continue any of the lines.
Glad you're enjoying alta!

I don't know how exactly they're doing it, but a handful of companies like Pass and Perla have really taken solid state amplification to new heights lately. My experience is limited but I feel like they are bringing performance that used to be in the stratosphere to under $10,000 components.
Hey teajay,

 I read your review no fewer than 6 or 7 times waiting for my sig 50 to come.  So glad a pulled the trigger. I was a little nervous about buying it without hearing it, but I am very happy I did. 
Hey altaskier,

Congrats!  I reviewed the Sig 50 for and gave it five stars for it's performance.  It's a beautiful sounding music maker and it's built quality is superlative.  Enjoy.
I got my Sig 50 a few days ago. In a word, WOW! I can't believe the change it brought to my system. Incredibly transparent with precise imaging. I found it sounds much better after a decent warm-up. Build quality is top-notch too; I could spin that volume dial all day it's so smooth.
I leave it on all the time since it draws such little power in standby.  I'm not sure it makes a big difference.  I was struck at how good it sounded brand new and cold out of the box, so it doesn't seem very sensitive to burn in and warm up.
So, I pulled the trigger and bought a Sig 50. Should have it in a week or two. 

Do you find it sounds better if left on 24/7 or do you turn it on/off as needed?

The write up is for the separates based on the same design.  

I havent heard the Vinnie Rossi but have always admired it from afar.  It looks really good and like the modularity and options.  It seems the Perla would have just a bit more grunt.  Would be an interesting comparison for sure.
Thanks for sharing. I’m considering the sig 50 and finding reviews hard to come by. I’ve found The absolute sound and home theatre review, but not sure about CA that you you have a link?

Also wondering if you compared it to the Vinnie Rossi Lio?
Is this a Class D design, since it runs so cool ? I remain skeptical of this type of operation!