Again have to agree with Contuzzi, Mr. Boviard, is a rather brilliant businessman who started his own forum which he is the owner and head moderator.
Sure anyone can post but in most cases the discord is hardly unbiased.
We answered a post about the Personas and of course were quickly shot down with the same post as Magico is way better etc, too bright same stuff.
The reality is that the Personas are a total challenger to any of the $60k-100k uber boutique brands such as Rockport, Magico or Wilson.
We demoed a $120k pair of Kharmas with a Diamond tweeter, custom kevlar midrange and a 12 inch Eaton midrange the speakers weighed about 400 pounds they sounded good but in no way was a superior sound to the Persona 9H at 1/4 the price.
Also have to agree with Yysantabarbera, the Persona will sound good or bad depending on the electronics which you pair them with.
We have heard different Persona models at stores in CA, at two different stores in MA, a store in NJ, and most of the demos were hardly convincing in demonstrating just how remarkable the speakers can sound, none of the demos the speakers sounded bad but none of the demos were wow demos either.
This is a very high resolution line of loudspeakers and the tweeter and midrange drivers do not hold anything back.
When we were seaching for electronics for them we tried: Conrad Johnson and Manly Labs Tube amplifiers, Electrcompaniet, Chord, Devialet, Thrax and finally T+A before the speakers really started to sound amazing.
The Persona 9h can reward you will breathtaking realisim at a price far below their competion or they can sound bright, flat and uninvolving.
Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ Persona dealers