Peter Lederman in Second Bout With COVID-19

I saw on Facebook late last night that Mike Fremer told one of his Audio Friends that he heard from Peter Lederman of Soundsmith that he is suffering his second round with COVID.  Peter said he has blood clots on his lungs. That is all the post said.  Here is hoping that Peter pulls through with a full recovery. 

Mr. Ledermann has implied that he would like to put this thread to rest. At least that is how I understood it.

Why not respect his intentions about the thread started for him?

As far as the drug you are advertising goes, please take it to some other venue where minutia of cytokine storm treatment can be discussed ad nauseam with more people who have actually seen one.
Gluppy as you are so lovingly and often referred to on these forums.  Your everyone's great grand mother in law. She though can probably explain to you in simple terms the conversion properties of a transducer something you so boldly failed to recognize recently on another thread. Peter builds some of the finest mechanical to electrical transducers on Earth. Take good care Peter.   

I am out of here stage left. Tom
Audiotweak, Why do you think it is referred to as a "Cytokine Storm"? Because dozens of different Cytokines are involved, is the answer, and CCR5 is only a minor player.  So far, no single cytokine suppressor or method of suppression has done more than a little good for patients in end stage disease. Some of them work well enough to have received an EUA from FDA.  Such an effect has not been formally shown for Leronlimab. For sure, you have no idea what it means to differentiate anecdotal evidence, including "testimony" from doctors you can find on the internet, from scientific evidence that is sound enough to use as a basis for a regulatory decision.  Your persistence in this matter causes me to wonder whether you have a financial interest in the drug.  Peter recovered, thankfully, without the benefit of Leronlimab.  May I use that as evidence it is not needed? By your standards, I could.

Gluppy as you are so lovingly and often referred to on these forums. Your (sic) everyone’s great grand mother in law.
FWIW, I enjoy @glupson’s clarity and sarcasm. I don’t get GGMIL vibes.