phono amp or not.

Decisions can be so hard sometimes. Soon I'll hopefully be getting a bonus from my work. I would like to spend some on improving my system. However there are two things I could do. But sadly I cannot do both. The two things I could do are:

1) Sell my speakers and by new speakers. This will hopefully improve my system overall. Meaning both my analog and digital sources will benefit from an speaker upgrade hopefully.

2) By a separate phono amp. This should hopefully improve my analogue source a lot. Since I don't like to keep upgrading I would like to do it right the first time and have a phono amp that will keep me happy for years to come.

But a new phono amp means I will also need to invest in some interlinks etc. Meaning this a phono amp might be more expensive then new speakers. However I can spend $100000 on speakers (not that I have that kind of money) but if my phono amp isn't up to par it might not be the best investment.

So what to do?

Also I live in Europe. So to get an idea what is available to me check

Ps Can anyone share their experience with Blue Amp Surzur?
What percentage of your listening is vinyl? What does your analog rig consist of - which table? arm? cart? What do you feel is lacking in your system now that you hope to improve by purchasing new speakers? What is a realistic budget?
I have always felt that the best way to change (improve?) the sound of your system is to upgrade speakers. If there are speakers out there that you definetly feel are a major improvement in sound you will find that all your sources will sound better and when you do upgrade the source it will sound even better. But you most be careful that the new speakers are really an upgrade and not a sideways movement
My system can be viewed in my system. But here it comes.
VPI Scout
Lyra Dorian
Symphonic Line La musica amp
Wadia 12
Impulse Aria SE speakers

I listen about 50/50 CD/vinyl. Mostly because my CD and vinyl collection are different. I own most Opeth LP's just not the live recordings but I maybe have 1 or 2 Opeth CD's. Same goes for Nick Cave mostly vinyl. But I only own no Fields of the Nephilim LP's. Right now my CEC TL51x wadia 12 combo play on the same level as my Scout Dorian.
Budget would be anything between 1000 and 2000 euro for a phono amp the same would go for other speakers but then I could add what I would get if I sold my speakers so that in totall would be around 2000-3000 euro for other speakers.

I read a really nice review of the BMC audio MCCI it is a zero feedback solid state current injection phono amp. It would however use up all my funds. On paper it looks good. I will review it at home before I buy anything.
You don't like upgrading often so I think you might want to keep your new speakers for another, say, seven-ten years. In my opinion, at present you don't have enough funds to make this kind of move. I don't know how good the phono stage you use is. If I were you, unless your speakers really annoy you, I would replace the turntable and possibly cartridge, and would think about phono stage after that. I would certainly not add separate phono before upgrading turntable. You could get much better VPI or Nottingham or Avid new, or SME used. That would be an upgrade you may not want to do again for many years ahead. But if you must have a phono I would suggest used LAMM or Gryphon. I also know that some really like Allnic electronics.
I would go with a loudspeaker upgrade so that you will appreciate future upgrades more. I agree with the above note to avoid lateral speaker trades. I saw a Zu Essence on Audio-markt and there are some Devore Nines listed here on Agon that are in Europe. Read up on them as they might not be lateral moves. The nines in particular are probably an excellent deal; I recently upgraded to super 8's rather than spending on electronics and am quite happy with the move.