Phono Preamp - 2k budget?

Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum Integrated Amplifier KT120's
Pro-Ject RM-5SE (Blue Point #2)
Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1's (No SA amp)

Relatively new to Vinyl and don't see going back to a digital system anytime soon so I am looking to move into a new playing field with my phono preamp. I listen to Classic Rock, Rock, A good amount of acoustics and a dab of classical. If anything, my system is lacking in bass so id prefer a phono preamp that is more on the dynamic, lively side of things if thats possible.

All suggestions are welcome!

Here is the list of ones that have been suggested already:

Manley Chinook
Rega Aria
Rogue Audio Ares

Showing 2 responses by roscoeiii

I really liked the Avid Pulsus at that price point. Music Direct sells them so you can try it out without too much stress thanks to their excellent return policy.

Found it to be significantly better than the SimAudio 5.3LP with optional external power supply. A big surprise. Better quality and amount of bass, and less bright up top. Maybe run balanced the SimAudio would have performed better, but it was outclassed via RCAs.
I have not heard the Herron, but yes based on its reputation it would be near the top of my list to audition for used at this price point.