phono preamp for Primaluna

Any suggestions for a Phono preamp for primaluna Dialogue premium HP intergrated amp?I have rega planer 5 with exact cartridge MM, but would like MC capable for future use. Dont want to spend a lot of $.Thanks for any suggestions.

Showing 2 responses by three_easy_payments

Dont want to spend a lot of $.

This means what?...less than $1,000?  Less that $500?  So many choices it's best to know the budget better.
A couple of years ago I picked up a Project Tube Box DS for $350 and it sounds surprisingly good while being quite versatile with MM and MC settings.  MC gain goes up to 60dB.  I see it's been replaced with the next model (DS2) for $700.  I wouldn't pay $700 but you can find these units on sale often and used or demo versions.  For MM only carts I hear good things in this price range for the Lounge LCR Gold.  For MC only I'd go with the Tom Evans Microgroove in this price range.