Phono preamp suggestions; can I improve upon my Aesthetix Rhea Sig ?

I have just ordered a new VPI HW-40 with a Van Den Hut Crimson Stradivarius cart.  I'm now wondering if I need to upgrade my Rhea phono pre? Have already made improvements with NOS tubes.  Have looked at the Pass XP-27. Also I see the Coincident Speaker Technology Statement was just awarded product of the year award from AS.    Any thoughts?


I agree with the posters below that you should settle in with your new turntable before making a change, if any, with your phono stage.

I owned an Aesthetix Rhea for a while and it is an excellent phono stage.

One of the suggestions is to try a SUT into the Rhea, and that could be a plus, especially if you can borrow one to try out. I think the output on the VDH at .65 mv should be a good match for the Rhea. Although the Rhea has some high gain settings, you can get into the noise floor with those.

You may want to look at the higher end Aesthetix IO if you have room and decide to move up.

Good luck with your search

Maybe different, not necessarily better.  But by all means, keep spending money on different phono preamps (instead of LPs) and let us know how it goes.

Well the new table and cart arrived yesterday. There is quite an improvement in SQ over my VPI Aries 2 and Grado Statement 2 cart.  The first LP I played was amazing! As time wore on I became more used to the sound and it became the new normal.  I do love the sensation of that first taste of a new component in my system. The tell was listening for more than 5 hours. The Rhea does seem up to the job. The one thing I noticed the most was a blacker background with little or no groove noise. The Rhea is also dead quiet.  I'm anxious to compare to my Red Book collection via Denafrips Terminator Plus with Gaia DDC.  Will report back once cart has broken in sufficiently.

Good to know your are heading toward happiness and remaining with the Rhea.  I also have had a Rhea in my system for many years.  I recently bought a new table and thought about the phone stage also but decided to get the Eclipse upgrade.   Haven't got it back yet but I hear and read that  the resolution is incredible. 



Glad that your new turntable and cartridge are settling in nicely and sound better than your previous configuration. Agree, love the experience of listening to new equipment and being happy after hearing improvements.