phono preamp with volume?

i really only listen to my turntable, and i feel like i'm paying for a full-feature linestage that i don't need. does anyone know of a quality phono-preamp with a volume control to go direct into the power amp. i'd prefer tubes. does such a product exist? any good or bad experiences with a setup like i described? thanks...
You are not limited to a phono preamp with built in volume control. You can use any phono preamp you like just add a pair of high quality stepped attenuators such as Goldpoint etc.. between your preamp and amp, just as you would if you were adding a full function pre but without its sound coloration, useless controls and added distortion. Its all you need.

Joule-Electra OPS-1/2. Excellent all tube phono stage with tube stand alone power supplies.