Phono recommendations for Koetsu

I'm purchasing a Koetsu Rosewood (standard). This will mean either a new phono to support a MC or some type of step-up or head amp to go with my EAR 834P. My dealer recommends a step-up, Audio Note S2 to be specific, rather than a new upgraded phono stage, which surprised me. I'm wondering what others might think who have a Koetsu and/or have gone a similar route.


Showing 1 response by sibelius

I have auditioned about a dozen SUT's for my Koetsu's (originally had Redwood Platinum and now have Onyx Platinum). My two favorites are:

1) Choir Audio H7. It uses the best available transformer from Hashimoto. Price is $1679 and Choir offers a 30 day in home trial.

2) Cinemag 1131 (blue label) from Bob's Devices. Price is $1195

I have purchased both. In my system the Cinemag has better overall frequency extention while the Hashimoto brings out the famous Koetsu midrange a bit better. Both have a very large soundstage and I recommend both highly.